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Author archive for LS_admin

  • Kansas Adoption Attorney Discusses Post-Adoption Contact

    One of the most significant changes I have seen over my career practicing adoption law is the change in attitudes…

  • Divorce During an Adoption in Kansas

    What Happens If You Decide to Divorce During an Adoption in Kansas? As I have written before, single people can…

  • Three Common Adoption Misconceptions

    In my practice here in Kansas, I frequently meet prospective parents who want to adopt but are just too overwhelmed…

  • The US Supreme Court Obergefell v. Hodges Decision in 2015

    Whether Same-Sex Couples Still Need to Do a Second Parent Adoption? Since the United States Supreme Court issued the Obergefell…

  • Issues to Consider Regarding Post-Adoption Contact

    One of the most significant changes I have seen over my career practicing adoption law is the change in attitudes…

  • Surrogacy Options in the State of Kansas

    Surrogacy Options in Kansas As people watch Kanye West and Kim Kardashian have another child through a surrogate mother, they…

  • For Adoption and Abandonment Purposes, How Much Contact from a Biological Father Counts?

    One question that repeatedly comes up in private adoptions is whether a mother can put her biological child up for…

  • Experienced Kansas Adoption Attorney Explains the Kansas Safe Haven Law

    From time to time I receive questions about Kansas’s “safe haven” law. In a nutshell, the safe haven law allows…

  • The Indian Child Welfare Act and Kansas Adoption Law

    I have helped families bring children into their lives here in Kansas for many years. As a result, I have…

  • Should Same-Sex Couples Still Do a Second Parent Adoption in Kansas?

    Same-sex marriage has been the law of the land since 2015.  LGBTQ clients sometimes ask me whether it is still…
