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Common Guardianship Questions Answered by a Kansas Guardianship Lawyer

Common Guardianship Questions Answered by a Kansas Guardianship Lawyer
December 30, 2015 LS_admin

If you have a child or know of an adult in need of care, you may be considering the path of guardianship. It may be evident that the child or individual is not capable of taking care of himself or herself and in need of assistance, however you are not sure the necessary questions to ask to ensure they receive the proper care to maintain their well-being. As a Kansas Guardianship Attorney with decades of experience, Tom McDowell has been asked a plethora of questions and helped many families establish the right form of care that suits the needs of all parties involved. Knowing the answers to these commonly asked guardianship questions will help you prepare yourself accordingly in order to approach the guardianship process correctly and efficiently.

What does guardianship do?

Guardianship is a legal process that is established through the Kansas court system, allowing a qualified and appointed adult to care for a minor child or adult in need. The person who is nominated or petitions to become the guardian is usually a family member, but that is not always the case. Guardianship can be used to provide oversight of the person’s physical needs, or to manage the person’s finances and property. The process is usually rather straight forward, however it can become complicated depending on the opinions of family members involved, whether or not consent is required and obtained and other varying factors. It is a more permanent and restrictive option in comparison to establishing a power of attorney or creating a trust.

Are there alternatives to guardianship?

Yes. Establishing legal care for an individual is available in many forms, only one of which is guardianship. Depending on the needs of the person or child, the wishes and abilities of the family members, and any timeline or urgency restrictions, there are a variety of options available. For example, if you wish to establish care on a temporary basis or provide legal rights with limitations, a power of attorney or special needs trust may suffice. On the other end of the spectrum, if a broad range of care, assistance and legal rights are necessary and afforded on a more permanent basis, establishing guardianship may be appropriate. Some other options include but are not limited to seeking the assistance of an assisted living facilities, relying on family members’ time and support or hiring a financial representative.  A qualified and experienced Kansas Guardianship Attorney can assess your situation and help you decide the best path for your family and the person in need.

Kansas Guardianship Lawyer Tom McDowell Can Answer Your Guardianship Questions

If you know of an individual who needs help managing their personal or financial well-being, Attorney Tom McDowell is here to help. His years of experience qualify him to help you and your family establish the care you deserve.  Call Kansas Guardianship Lawyer Tom McDowell, McDowell Chartered Legal Services, today at (316) 269-0746, and see how we can answer your guardianship questions.