Divorce. It is not an easy aspect within any individual’s life at all. Whether you realize it or not divorce now occurs within 1 in 3 families in the United States today. When couples say, “I do” they never imagine that down the road of their relationship that they will not only have bumps, but a divorce on the horizon. A divorce not only impacts the people within the relationship that are now trying to become separated in all aspects but also that of their friends, family, and especially their children.
When you are in the midst of a divorce it feels like the light at the end of the tunnel can either not be seen, or as if it will never be reached. Generally, in this phase many individuals begin to start making rash decisions and are completely fed up with their former spouse and the situation at hand. Even when they are awarded child custody and guardian rights for a child or children they are still focused on having a new life.
From those thoughts parents can easily come to the idea that they can move away and start over. They genuinely begin to think that with this idea potentially at play everyone could turn to a new chapter in their life. However, that is not always the ideal situation for everyone that is involved, especially the children.
Children are not only dealing with the fact that a parent is no longer within their home, but if you decide to relocate, they are having to worry about fitting in socially into the new community and school that they will be apart of. When you are in a divorce it is hard to comprehend everything that is going on around you. Yes, you need to be selfish sometimes in order to take care of yourself, but not at the expense of your children’s happiness and welfare.
Studies show that when children are not only having to deal with their parent’s divorce, but also having to change their entire lives and normality, such as moving homes and schools, they are more likely to suffer from depression.
Make sure that when you are considering relocating after a divorce to take everything into consideration affordability, the costs, employment opportunities, and especially your children and what they truly want and need.
When dealing with your divorce you need someone you can count on, a lawyer and a friend. Call McDowell today at 316-269-0746 to get you closer to the peace of mind you need, and deserve. When relying on McDowell Chartered you can count on determination, and commitment with you and your case.