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Author archive for LS_admin

  • Kansas Guardianship Attorney Discusses How Grandparents Can Establish Guardianship of Their Grandchildren

    As the complexities of family dynamics continue to evolve, the issue of grandparents’ rights steadily remains a hot button issue.…

  • How to Terminate Your Role as Guardian in Kansas – Answered by a Kansas Guardianship Attorney

    Oftentimes, an established guardianship is no longer necessary, or the appointed guardian no longer wishes to maintain their role and…

  • Grandparent Rights and Adoption Laws as Reviewed by Kansas Adoption Attorney

    Families can be created and comprised in a multitude of ways, including grandparents having custody of and taking care of…

  • How to End or Transfer Guardianship of a Minor in Kansas – Reviewed by a Kansas Guardianship Attorney

    If you are currently the guardian of a minor child in the state of Kansas, and you no longer feel…

  • Can I Establish Temporary Guardianship or Conservatorship in Kansas?

    Every state differs when it comes to its laws pertaining to guardianship and conservatorship. With that in mind, it is…

  • How to Prepare for Becoming a Legal Guardian in Kansas

    If you have a loved one who is in need of guardianship, and you are either considering taking on the…

  • Kansas Family Law Attorney Discusses Alternative Options to Guardianship in Kansas

    If you know of an adult or a child who is in need of care and guardianship, it is encouraged…

  • Kansas Guardianship Attorney Tom McDowell Discusses How to Assign a Child or Adult a Guardian in Kansas

    A variety of circumstances may lead to the need of a guardian in an adult or a child’s life. For…

  • Kansas Conservatorship Lawyer Explains the Role of a Conservator to Oversee Financial Matters

    Throughout different times in an individual’s life, they may require the assistance of another person to oversee their well-being. This…

  • Kansas Guardianship Attorney Discusses How to Dissolve Legal Guardianship in Kansas

    In Kansas, an adult or a minor child may be assigned a guardian through the court system. The incapacitated individual,…
