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Author archive for LS_admin

  • Kansas Grandparents Now Have More Rights in Child-In-Need-Of-Care Cases

    The rights of grandparents in child-in-need-of-care cases were recently strengthened through passage of a new grandparent’s rights bill.  The bill…

  • The 10 Best Ways to Find a Child Available for Adoption

    Many clients often come through our door wondering where to start the process of trying to find a child for…

  • An Overview of Adoption Expenses

    One of the most prevalent concerns of prospective adoptive parents are the financial costs involved, and whether or not they…

  • Overview of Adoption Home Study Process

    Participation in home study for all prospective adoptive parents is required by law in every State as well as the…

  • Resources and Assistance for Adopting Special Needs Children

    Children that are placed for adoption from a foster care facility, and meet their State’s standard for “special needs,” may…

  • Health and Medical Issues to Consider Before and After Adopting a Child

    Adopting a child can be an immensely beneficial experience for an individual or family. If you are interested in pursuing…

  • Types of Adoption in Kansas: An Overview

    When deciding to pursue adoption as a birthmother, the first thing to determine is which type of adoption arrangement suits…

  • Relinquishment and Domestic Adoption in Kansas

    The term relinquishment, as referred to the adoption process, is also known as “consent to adoption” or “voluntarily termination of…

  • Kansas Grandparent “Kinship” Adoption

    Nowadays, many grandparents find themselves raising children in an unofficial capacity without any formal legal arrangement. This type of informal…

  • The 411 on Adult Adoptions in Kansas

    The legal process for adoption in Kansas is the same whether the individual is a child or an adult.  Once…
