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Author archive for LS_admin

  • Wichita adoption lawyer

    Should Same-Sex Couples Still Do a Second Parent Adoption in Kansas?

    Same-sex marriage has been the law of the land since 2015.  LGBTQ clients sometimes ask me whether it is still…

  • How Does the Visa Process Affect International Adoptions?

    For prospective adoptive parents considering international adoption, one question that always comes up regards the visa process. In this blog…

  • What Should I Do If I am Considering an Adult Adoption in Kansas?

    Experienced Kansas Adoption Attorney Explains: Adult Adoption Many images come to mind when a person mentions adoption—a baby carried into…

  • Social Security Benefits and Adoption in Kansas

    Unfortunately, money is often a limiting factor on people’s ability to bring an adopted child into their lives. This is…

  • Wichita adoption lawyer

    Kansas’ Law Regarding Who Can Provide Consent for an Adoption

    Who Must Consent to an Adoption According to Kansas  I try to write blog posts that provide prospective clients here…

  • Federal Law and Transracial Adoption in Kansas?

    Experienced Kansas Adoption Attorney Explains: Federal Law and Transracial Adoption For many years, racial biases and bigotry crept into the…

  • Kansas Family Law Attorney Discusses Proposed Legislation That Could End Common Law Marriage

    There is currently a proposal in the Kansas House that, if passed, would eliminate common-law marriage beginning this July. If…

  • Kansas Estate Planning Attorney Talks about Passing Assets Outside of Probate

    Did you know that probate is a public process? While you might not be concerned about everyone knowing your business,…

  • This is Why a Kansas Family Law Attorney Recommends Consulting With a Financial Professional During Your Divorce

    In addition to turning your emotional life upside down, divorce can flip your wallet and your bank account inside out.…

  • Kansas Estate Planning Attorney Offers Five Estate Planning Tips for Single Parents

    Every parent needs an estate plan, whether they are married or single. While estate plans for married parents and estate…
