One of the biggest decisions you will make is selecting your adoption attorney. Whether you elect to pursue a domestic…
John Flentie spends every hour of his day obsessed with re-gaining his freedom. Flentie is not a prisoner, as you…
Blended families have become the norm in the U.S., with over 50% of all families today remarried or re-coupled. As…
For the millions of blended households across the U.S., stepparent adoption can offer a way of uniting families in a…
Many clients often come through our door wondering where to start the process of trying to find a child for…
One of the most prevalent concerns of prospective adoptive parents are the financial costs involved, and whether or not they…
Participation in home study for all prospective adoptive parents is required by law in every State as well as the…
Children that are placed for adoption from a foster care facility, and meet their State’s standard for “special needs,” may…
Adopting a child can be an immensely beneficial experience for an individual or family. If you are interested in pursuing…
When deciding to pursue adoption as a birthmother, the first thing to determine is which type of adoption arrangement suits…